Introduction to Drawing: Saturday, February 22
Drawing skills are foundational to creating good paintings. This workshop focuses on beginning drawing skills with an emphasis on using value to create depth and realism in your drawings. We will explore drawing tools and value range in the morning and apply those skills by drawing a simple still life in the afternoon. (ages 15+)
Saturday, February 22, 9 a.m .- 4 p.m. (with a one-hour break from lunch)
We will break for lunch at noon. There are several restaurants nearby and you are also welcome to bring your lunch and eat in the studio.
$185 (includes supplies used during the workshop)
This class is in person and will be held at Shan Bryan-Hanson Studio + Gallery, 242 Michigan, suite 102 on the first floor.
Drawing skills are foundational to creating good paintings. This workshop focuses on beginning drawing skills with an emphasis on using value to create depth and realism in your drawings. We will explore drawing tools and value range in the morning and apply those skills by drawing a simple still life in the afternoon. (ages 15+)
Saturday, February 22, 9 a.m .- 4 p.m. (with a one-hour break from lunch)
We will break for lunch at noon. There are several restaurants nearby and you are also welcome to bring your lunch and eat in the studio.
$185 (includes supplies used during the workshop)
This class is in person and will be held at Shan Bryan-Hanson Studio + Gallery, 242 Michigan, suite 102 on the first floor.
Drawing skills are foundational to creating good paintings. This workshop focuses on beginning drawing skills with an emphasis on using value to create depth and realism in your drawings. We will explore drawing tools and value range in the morning and apply those skills by drawing a simple still life in the afternoon. (ages 15+)
Saturday, February 22, 9 a.m .- 4 p.m. (with a one-hour break from lunch)
We will break for lunch at noon. There are several restaurants nearby and you are also welcome to bring your lunch and eat in the studio.
$185 (includes supplies used during the workshop)
This class is in person and will be held at Shan Bryan-Hanson Studio + Gallery, 242 Michigan, suite 102 on the first floor.