Yoga and Art
Dragaonflies (crown), 2023, Watercolor, graphite and thread on paper
Yoga has been part of my life since the 90s when I took my first yoga class at a gym in Missoula, Montana. We did yoga to the sound of racketballs bouncing off nearby walls. The teacher cut the yoga mats we purchased from a long roll of sticky mat material. Since then I’ve practiced in teachers’ homes, studios, outdoors, at a few retreats and via online classes. My favorite pose is pigeon and half moon always a challenge. I had finally gotten over my fear of headstand until I did one to show off for my niece and fell into the corner of a wall. My fear returned. The ongoing lessons of yoga!
This is the third piece in a new series inspired by yoga, specifically energy centers and the sound vibrations that connect to them (at least as I experience them). Buzzing bees for the throat, cicadas at the heart, and light as feather dragonflies at the crown.
Dragonflies (crown) will be in my exhibition Intermediaries at UW Oshkosh this February 2-23.