Paris Notes: Luxembourg Gardens
After very limited travel these past few years, I was beyond thrilled to travel to Paris last month. It was inspiring in all the ways Paris can be. Here are a few photos from our visit to the beautiful Jardin du Luxembourg. These first two photos were taken at the Medici Fountain which was built in the 17th century and the perfect spot to in which to sit on a hot, summer day.
This next photo was taken at the garden’s orchards. Each and every piece of fruit was carefully wrapped in paper, I assume to protect from insects.
And speaking of insects…
Bees have been in the Jardin du Luxembourg since the 1820s. After visiting the Luxembourg bees, I had a lot of questions for my beekeeper husband. I was surprised, for instance, that the hives are in such a shaded location. There is always much to learn in the world of bees.
I loved this Maison des Insectes, which is similar, but fancier, to the bee hotel we have in our yard.
I’ll end with just a few more photos of this extraordinary garden.